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Aimylogic updates in August 2022


  • New subscription plans.

In August 2022, we have completely reworked the lineup of Aimylogic subscription plans. The Basic, Standard, Pro, and Developer plans have been deprecated and are no longer available.

Now, after you create an account in Aimylogic, you get the Free subscription plan. It includes 25 unique users, 25 telephony minutes, and 25 speech recognition and synthesis minutes. Note that it has no restrictions on the available Aimylogic features: you can try out them all to make sure it is the right product for your business.

To increase the number of available unique users or telephony minutes, you can switch to the new paid subscription plans: Startup, Growth (which is cheaper than the old Basic plan!), Optimal, and Premium. Additional packages of unique users, which allow spending them over the default limits, are now also available for purchase.

If you already use Aimylogic, your current subscription remains as it was. However, if you decide to change the plan in the future, you will only be able to switch to one of the new plans.