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JAICP release 1.11.6


  • Support for buttons in the Chat2Desk inbound channel.
  • Pre-checkout goods availability check in Telegram.
  • Access to type-specific activation rules via $context.nBest.


  • Updated how-to article on connecting the Slack channel.

Buttons in Chat2Desk

Now you can use buttons in bot scripts for the Chat2Desk inbound channel. These can be either text or inline buttons.

Please note the following restrictions when using buttons:

  1. Bot messages cannot consist of buttons only. If a message contains buttons, it should also include a text reply.
  2. Text buttons are supported in the Chat2Desk online chat, Telegram, Viber, and VK.
  3. Inline buttons are supported only in the Chat2Desk online chat and Viber.

Goods availability check

In our previous release, we have added support for payments in Telegram. To make a payment form appear in the chat, use the TelegramPayment action tag in the appropriate state.

From now on, this tag can also be configured to perform a check for goods availability:

  • Set the precheckoutEnabled parameter to true and fill out precheckoutUrl — the URL of the service returning information on whether the requested goods are in stock.
  • Before every checkout, a request will be sent to the specified URL. If the service response code is unsuccessful, the payment will fail.

Activation rules

The chatbot.yaml configuration file can include the nlp.nbest property. It determines the number of activation rules which can be accessed from the script via the $context.nBest array. Note that this array includes activation rules of all types: those triggered by patterns, examples, and intents.

Now the nlp section can include additional properties which enable access only to activation rules of a specific type:

nbestPatterns: 1
nbestIntents: 2
nbestExamples: 3

Documentation updates

We have updated the how-to article on connecting the Slack channel.