Prompter settings
For agents to use prompters during dialogs with customers, an administrator should set them up.
Connect prompter
Use this instruction: add a special method to the bot script and connect the Prompter API channel to the project in JAICP.
After you have connected the channel, copy the webhook address and return to Aimychat.
Select on the sidebar and go to the Prompters tab.
In the Add prompter section, enter its name and paste the webhook address. Click Save.
Set up prompter
Go to the Groups tab in the settings and select next to the group that will use prompters.
Go to the Prompters tab.
Prompter Parameter Description Context prompter
There can only be one.Answer display limit Specify how many answer options can be displayed in the chat window (from 1 to 10). Prompter assistants
There can be several of those.— Choose which prompter assistants the agents can refer to.
You can use as many prompter assistants as you need.