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Select pizza

This is a part of the tutorial on creating a button-based bot that can order pizza.

  1. Selecting a delivery city
  2. Creating a dictionary
  3. Selecting a pizza (you are here)
  4. Making an order
  5. Testing the bot script

At the previous step, we’ve created the pizza.csv dictionary file that lists available types of pizza in the delivery cities.

Now, we’ll be creating a script for the client to select a pizza and make an order.

Creating a script

Create a script file in the src folder and paste the following:

require: pizza.csv
name = pizza
var = pizza

theme: /

state: ChoosePizza
a: What pizza would you like to order?
for (var id = 1; id < Object.keys(pizza).length + 1; id++) {
var regions = pizza[id].value.region;
if (_.contains(regions, $ {
var button_name = pizza[id].value.title;
$reactions.buttons({text: button_name, transition: 'GetName'})

state: GetName
$session.pizza_name = $request.query;
go!: /ChooseVariant

state: ClickButtons
q: *
a: Please, click the button.
go!: ..

state: ChooseVariant
a: Please, select an option:
for (var id = 1; id < Object.keys(pizza).length + 1; id++) {
if ($session.pizza_name == pizza[id].value.title) {
var variations = pizza[id].value.variations;
for(var i = 0; i < variations.length; i++){
var button_name = variations[i].name + " for " + variations[i].price + " $"
$reactions.inlineButtons({text: button_name, callback_data: variations[i].id })
a: Click "Menu" to return to pizza selection
"Menu" -> /ChoosePizza

state: ClickButtons
q: *
a: Please, click the button.
go!: ..

state: GetVariant
event: telegramCallbackQuery
$session.pizza_id = parseInt($request.query);
go!: /ChooseQuantity

state: ChooseQuantity
a: Please select the number of pizzas:
"1" -> ./GetQuantity
"2" -> ./GetQuantity
"3" -> ./GetQuantity

state: ClickButtons
q: *
a: Please, click the button.
go!: ..

state: GetQuantity
$session.quantity = parseInt($request.query);
$session.cart.push({name: $session.pizza_name, id: $session.pizza_id, quantity: $session.quantity});
a: Do you want to choose something else, or proceed to checkout?
"Menu" -> /ChoosePizza
"Proceed to checkout" -> /Cart

state: ClickButtons
q: *
a: Please, click the button.
go!: ..

Adding modules

At the beginning of the script, include the pizza.csv dictionary under the require tag.

Here, var = pizza indicates that the dictionary is accessible further via the pizza keyword

require: pizza.csv
name = pizza
var = pizza

Now, let’s connect the script to the script:



The script consists of a few states:

  • ChoosePizza — selecting pizza from the pizza.csv dictionary.
  • GetName — saving the client’s option.
  • ChooseVariant — selecting a pizza variant.
  • GetVariant — saving parameters for the selected pizza.
  • ChooseQuantity — selecting the number of pizzas to order.
  • GetQuantity — saving the entered number of pizzas.

Script structure


At this step, the client has already selected the city where they want to order pizza. So, we display a list of pizzas available in the selected city.

state: ChoosePizza
a: What pizza would you like to order?
# displaying pizza variations in the selected city
for (var id = 1; id < Object.keys(pizza).length + 1; id++) {
var regions = pizza[id].value.region;
if (_.contains(regions, $ {
var button_name = pizza[id].value.title;
$reactions.buttons({text: button_name, transition: 'GetName'})

To display available pizza variants, refer to the pizza.csv dictionary and select the names of pizzas that can be ordered in the selected city.

Next, add the buttons that will perform the transition to the GetName state using the $reactions.buttons method.


Now, let’s save the client’s choice. In the GetName state, assign the name of the selected pizza to the $session.pizza_name variable. We can use it to access information about the pizza and display it in the cart. Then perform a transition to the ChooseVariant state.

state: GetName
$session.pizza_name = $request.query;
go!: /ChooseVariant


In the script of the ChooseVariant state, we create buttons to select pizza type. This time we use the $reactions.inlineButtons method. Unlike $reactions.buttons, these buttons are displayed inside the dialog as bot responses.

state: ChooseVariant
a: Please, select an option:
for (var id = 1; id < Object.keys(pizza).length + 1; id++) {
if ($session.pizza_name == pizza[id].value.title) {
var variations = pizza[id].value.variations;
for(var i = 0; i < variations.length; i++){
var button_name = variations[i].name + " for " + variations[i].price + " $"
$reactions.inlineButtons({text: button_name, callback_data: variations[i].id })
a: Click "Menu" to return to pizza selection
"Menu" -> /ChoosePizza


In the GetVariant state, the telegramCallbackQuery event is triggered by a click on the inline button from the ChooseVariant state. In the script, assign the pizza parameters to the $session.pizza_id variable. We can use it to access information about the pizza and display it later in the cart. Next, we move to the ChooseQuantity state to select the number of pizzas.

state: GetVariant
event: telegramCallbackQuery
$session.pizza_id = parseInt($request.query);
go!: /ChooseQuantity


In the ChooseQuantity state, the client selects the number of pizzas by clicking on the corresponding button. The dialog switches to the GetQuantity state.

state: ChooseQuantity
a: Please select the number of pizzas:
"1" -> ./GetQuantity
"2" -> ./GetQuantity
"3" -> ./GetQuantity


In the script for the GetQuantity state, assign the number of the selected pizzas to the $session.quantity variable, and also add the selected option to the cart using the $session.cart.push method.

Next, add two buttons, Menu and Checkout. A client can go back to the menu or to the cart to process the order.

state: GetQuantity
$session.quantity = parseInt($request.query);
$session.cart.push({name: $session.pizza_name, id: $session.pizza_id, quantity: $session.quantity});
a: Do you want to choose something else, or proceed to checkout?
"Menu" -> /ChoosePizza
"Proceed to checkout" -> /Cart


Let’s add a nested ClickButtons state to ChoosePizza, ChooseVariant and ChooseQuantity states. It performs the same way as in the script.

state: ClickButtons
q: *
a: Please, click the button.
go!: ..


Let’s test the result in the Telegram.

Telegram channel Telegram channel Telegram channel

Next, move on to making an order.