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Passing parameters to the chat widget

When a website has a bot in the chat widget, it can communicate with the widget by passing it arbitrary data, which the bot can then access in order to “know” what is happening on the website.

Passing parameters can be done in two ways:

When the chat widget is loaded

Passing parameters to the bot when the chat widget is first loaded is handy when the bot needs to know the client website ID, their name, or any other relevant personal information.

Site script setup

In order to pass parameters from the website, the required page should contain a script defining a global variable juswidgetVariables. This should be an object with a start property, which in turn should contain a nested object with all the necessary key-value pairs:

window.juswidgetVariables = {
start: {
id: 58,
name: "Johanna"
The script must be placed before the script which loads the widget.

Bot script setup

When the chat widget is launched, a /start message is automatically sent to the bot. However, if juswidgetVariables.start is defined, this object is serialized as JSON and appended to the /start message after a space character. Let’s write a simple mock state for handling the dialog beginning:

state: Start
q!: $regex</start> *
a: You said: {{$parseTree.text}}

If we now launch the bot on a page containing the script defined above, the following message will be displayed:

Parameters passed from the website

The object received by the bot can be processed in order to extract the necessary data.

state: Start
q!: $regex</start> [$regex<\{.*\}>]
if ($parseTree.text.length > "/start".length) {
$session.startData = JSON.parse($parseTree.text.substr("/start".length + 1));
if: $session.startData
a: Hi, {{$}}!
a: Hi!

The following XML test passes for the script above:

<q>/start {"id":50,"name":"Johanna"}</q>
<a>Hi, Johanna!</a>


On every new message

The chat widget can also fetch dynamic data from the website, such as the current page URL, and make it accessible from the bot script on every new message from the client.

To pass parameters to the bot on any incoming message, set up either a JustWidgetSendRawData function returning the object with the appropriate data or this object itself as a JustWidgetRawParams variable:

window.JustWidgetSendRawData = function() {
return {
currentUrl: window.location.href

// This code does the same as the code above
window.JustWidgetRawParams = {
currentUrl: window.location.href
If your chat widget is embedded into iframe, use the iframe window object instead of window:
document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0].contentWindow.JustWidgetRawParams = {
currentUrl: window.location.href
The data is available from the script via $